Let’s Make Social Media More Connected.

We won’t beat around the bush. Social media has a bad reputation.

But social media is just humanity on a grand scale, so who’s to blame? It’s us. Duh.

As humans, we’re messy and reactionary and (no offence) a bit dumb. But we’re better when we’re connected.

We’re making social media less shit.

Here’s how.


If social media is just society on a grand scale, then we can make society a more positive place through social media.


What you see is what you get. If we messed up, we’ll own it. If you messed up, we’ll let you know.


Stand still and we’re dead. Or underwater.


We’ll stick to what believe in, even if it means leaving money on the table.


We’ll always meet people in the middle. We expect you to be there too.

What gives Bon Creative the right to make such bold claims?

Nothing. But we’re making them anyway.